Mechanical Engineering Works

Dismantling/ fabrication/ erection/ commissioning

The AHIYAS offers a full range of services for work on plants including all phases of design and engineering to procurement, Fabrication, Demolition & Dismantling Services, Commissioning Services, Machinery Erection & Commissioning Services, RCC Demolition.

The AHIYAS team is dedicated to the safe removal and disposal of redundant equipment and provide a cost and schedule effective solutions to suit client requirements. AHIYAS offers a range of services including:



• Characterization of materials
• Risk assessment and risk management
• Detailed Planning and Preparation including Physical survey work
• Procurement of Proprietary Equipment
• Pre-fabrication (in-house) of any specialist cradling or lifting rigging etc.
• Execution of works on site using 100% directly employed labour
• Logistics and shipping